Archos 10.1
My old Archos 101 Android tablet still sees random use as a display these days, but slowness and old software make it rarely useful. It might be fun to do something interesting, educational, and pointless with it.
I believe it's gen8 and OMAP based.
Naturally the USB host also doesn't work. would be nice to get that fixed.
I've installed the SDE firmware. Ångström is essentially useless since there's no working wifi setup. Apparently it also can't monitor battery, but it should have a way to move to OpenAOS.
Nit diversion
I also have an n810 NIT that is OMAP based.
- Pain-free Maemo dev (2015)
- Pimp my n810 (2014)
- MaemoAndSqueeze
- uboot (n900)
- 0xffff
- Debian and kernel instructions
- Omappedia looks pretty dead, although Pandaboard should be doing well.
- PowerVR
- archosfans
- androidtablets
- stupidiocy
- Operation unbrickable
- OpenAOS multiroot
- Debian gen8
- OpenAOS CM?
- CM7 gen8
- InstallingDebianOn
- doozan Linux device hacking forum
- Ubuntu touch
- Replicant
- cyanogenmod
- Sailfish OS
- Inside Archos 101 - OE
- multistrap