Looking at Tiva pins
Posted at 2014-10-30.
If I was to attach anything to the Tiva LP, I'll need to pick the pins to use. I wanted to get a bit more familiar with the board pinouts today.
Looking at the Energia pin maps for Tiva Launchpad a lot of ports are scattered around. I expect switching pins and ports will be doable later and I can ignore most peripherals.
They seem to number J1 as 1..10, J2 as 11..20, J3 as 21..30 and J4 as 31..40. That seems convenient enough. In the actual connectors the numbers will go round like in a DIP chip. There are soft of two sets, outer and inner, that probably match the TI vision of "booster pack" connectors.
Unusable pins:
- Power pins: 1, 16, 20, 21, 22
- Buttons on board: 17, 31
- RGB LED (drivers): 30, 39, 40
Ports with pins:
PA ..234567
PB 01234567
PC ....4567
PD 0123..67
PE 012345..
PF 01234...
Mostly PF is taken by the buttons and LEDs. Nearly none of these look like they're in consecutive spots.
Being a modern sort of controller, some of these pins' functions can be switched around. Sticking to the compatible layout if possible seems like a good starting strategy, though.