STM8 controllers
STM8 may be among the cheapest small microcontrollers. I haven't seen the use since it's easy enough to get (AVR and) ARM to cover just about any use case. I've still considered having a few just for completeness' sake. Now, that SDCC has support, it seems worth a look.
One interesting thing that this architecture might offer is the easily available debugging support (compatible with stm32 to some extent). Usable software for that is probably still missing, though.
I'll gather some notes here.
- STM8 discovery boards (pricy as a controller, cheap for dev work)
- STLink clone
- EBay minimal STM8 boards
- BIC minimal STM8 boards
- Amazon minimal STM8 boards
- Bare chips from somewhere
Libraries, docs
Some header files would be welcome. Libraries, maybe. It's a pretty tight fit for anything like an OS.
- STM8S003F0 data
- 2.95 - 5.5 V, Decent timers, SPI, I2C, UART, ADC, 8k/1k
- STM8S103F3 data
- 2.95 - 5.5 V, Decent timers, SPI, I2C, UART, ADC, 8k/1k
- What's the difference? 103 doesn't mention SWIM on that page.
- Arch manual?
- libstm8
- Make something that actually does something
- RTFM a bit
- Does SDCC eat asm?
- Forth?
- stm8flash
- STM8 examples repo
- Colecovision STM8 pages are a top resource
- BuguRTOS is GPLv3/LE
- libstm8
- One dollar devboard
- How to program the one dollar devboard
- STM8 at hobbycomponents
- STM8 Development Tools Set Up in GNU/Linux Systems
- Getting started with STM8 Development on Linux
- Stackoverflow tag
- EE Stackexchange tag